6 Reasons to Choose Organic Coffee


Feel good about your cup of coffee

Just as recycling is important, so is the choice you make each morning with your cup of coffee. For you and for the planet. 

But coffee is so much more than just a drink. We collectively consume 2.25 billion cups of coffee each day and, as the world’s second most tradable commodity after oil, coffee is now a multibillion-dollar global industry and growing.

This increase in demand has had a knock-on effect on the environment, with monoculture and sun-grown coffee now the norm. And given that most coffee growing regions are also home to some of the most delicate ecosystems on earth, the potential for serious damage is great.

The evolution of coffee growing

Once upon a time, all coffee was naturally organic and shade grown. Since most varieties of coffee are naturally intolerant of direct sunlight, coffee was traditionally grown under shade trees - most often fruit and nut trees which also helped to replenish the soil with valuable nutrients and allowed the land to remain fertile, generation after generation.

Although coffee started out as a shade-loving shrub, the high demand for coffee over time led to full-sun plantations, which required large quantities of fertilizers and pesticides. 

The benefits of organic coffee

Today, coffee labeled as organic comes from farms that meet strict standards and according to these requirements, organic coffee is free of chemical contaminants, and the farms that grow it use practices to minimize side effects to workers and the environment.

As always, consumers have the power to influence how coffee is grown. Our choices can go a long way toward diminishing demand for unsustainable, sun-grown coffee.

Here are six good reasons to choose organic, shade-grown, fair trade coffee.

  1. Reduced exposure to pesticides. Pesticide use is much greater on sun plantations, where the natural pest control provided by native birds and insects is missing. Toxic chemicals and fertilizers not only threaten the farmers who work with them, but also runoff into local water sources, killing off valuable microbes in the soil, and even depositing chemical residues in the harvested beans.

  2. Save the forests. Deforestation goes hand-in-hand with sun-grown coffee. As of 2011, 2.5 million acres of forest in Central America alone have been clear cut to make way for sun plantations. Without canopy cover, the soil is much more vulnerable to erosion, which in turn facilitates run-off of pesticides and fertilizers. Deforestation is also a major contributor to global warming, accounting for about one-fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions.

  3. Preserve biodiversity. Biodiversity is a direct victim of sun plantations, from the soil to the skies. As with any monoculture crop, the destruction of plant and animal diversity that occurs on sun plantations destabilizes natural food webs. The loss of a complex layer of humus kills off soil microbes and nitrogen-fixing organisms, resulting in depleted, nutrient-poor soil. Above ground, clear cutting displaces millions of plant and animal species native to traditional coffee-growing ecosystems. Compared to shaded farms, for example, an estimated 95 percent fewer birds are found on sun plantations.

  4. Save the soil and the climate. Increasingly scientists warn that stripping soil of its natural ability to store carbon makes any form of industrial agriculture, including coffee sun plantations, a big contributor to global warming. Alternatively, by protecting the soil’s natural ability to sequester carbon, we can actually reverse global warming.

  5. Support small farmers: Corporate agribusiness is the primary beneficiary of sun plantations. Small farmers, in contrast, are far less likely to support the clear cutting, toxic chemical usage and overall environmental destructiveness of sun growing. Supporting industrial coffee production means giving the go-ahead to sun farming, as well as edging out the small farmers who have a vested interest in the health of their land.

  6. Drink better-tasting coffee: Taste is perhaps the casualty of sun growing that most directly affects consumers. Because coffee fruits ripen faster in the sun, they have less time to develop the positive qualities looked for by coffee connoisseurs. One study found that shade-grown beans are larger, less bitter (owing to greater carbohydrate accumulation), and more complex in flavor compared to their sun-grown counterparts.

Consumers who buy organic do make a difference. The next time you grab a cup of coffee, consider whether it is organic or not. The environmental impact of improperly cultivated coffee is simply too great to ignore. It is likely that most people don't buy organic coffee because they don't realize the impact of non-organic coffee. By educating ourselves we can begin to shift coffee production toward a more positive direction.

Drink organic, celebrate our beautiful world, and Happy Earth Day!

At Artizan Coffee, we try to live every day like it’s Earth Day by offering products and supporting initiatives that have a positive impact on the environment and human health year-round. 

Artizan Coffee Company is dedicated to supporting sustainability all year long. That's why all of our products are USDA Certified Organic, grown without the use of chemical pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers or other additives, and many are also Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, and Bird-Friendly certified. 

These certifications address a broad array of issues like eliminating chemical and pesticide usage, carbon footprint reduction, energy conservation, environmental preservation and fair prices for farmers. Additionally, we source decaffeinated coffees using all-natural 100% chemical-free processes like Swiss Water® Process and Mountain Water Decaf®.

We hope you’ll join us in creating a brighter tomorrow by making Earth-friendly decisions not only on Earth Day but every day. Together we can make a difference!

From Organic Farming to Organic Nespresso Compatible Capsules


The word organic is thrown around a lot and it can get quite confusing when trying to fully understand what organic really means. Organic coffee is coffee grown by farmers use natural, renewable resources free of artificial chemicals to grow their crops. Organic farming also helps conserve the environment through traditional, native methods that have minimum impact.

How Do I Know If My Coffee Is Organic?

For a farmer to achieve organic status, standards set by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) must be met. USDA standards state that to become certified organic, coffee must:

●     Be produced on land that has been free of synthetic ingredients or additives for at least three years.

●     Be grown in areas with sufficient buffer between the organic coffee and the nearest conventional crop.

●     Be cultivated within a sustainable crop rotation plan to prevent erosion, the depletion of soil nutrients, and control for pests.

●     Keep careful records detailing production techniques and yields and allow internal and external random inspections of the farm by the cooperative’s technical advisors and the certifying agency inspectors.

Once certified, at least 95% of beans produced must be organic.

Why Should I Choose Organic Coffee?

Organic coffee not only benefits the consumer but the farmer and the farming community as well.

Improve the Enironment

Organic coffee farming maintains the health of the land, making the soil more fertile and improving the quality and quantity of the coffee produced year after year. Organic farming also eliminates the use of synthetic fertilizers, which in turn, reduces the exposure of chemicals to the atmosphere, the local water supply, and the farmers.

Support Local Families

Generally, small families are the primary contributors to organic farming. This is because they are more likely to embrace and be more accustomed to traditional farming techniques and methods that naturally meet USDA requirements. By purchasing organic coffee, you are supporting these small, working families, ensuring their financial stability in small farming communities.

The Shade Growing Method

A popular traditional technique used by farmers is growing coffee in the shade. Shade-grown coffee is simply coffee that is grown under the natural canopy of trees. Growing coffee in the shade allows it to thrive in its natural environment, promoting natural pesticides such as birds and insects. The alternative, sun-grown coffee, is damaging to both the coffee, the farmer, and the environment due to the use of toxic chemicals and large amounts of deforestation required to free up land. Shade-grown farming practices have been used for centuries, it is the most natural form of growing and should be adopted by small farmers and large corporations alike.

Fairtrade and Organic Coffee

It is a common misconception that fairtrade and organic coffee are synonymous, but that is not the case. Organic coffee and the USDA’s core values focus on the environment and the use of natural resources, whereas fairtrade aligns its ideals with working to help trade, farmers, and producers.

What is Fairtrade?
The organization Fair Trade focuses on giving farmers and producers better trade conditions and a fair price for the products they produce. Therefore, standards are set in place by Fairtrade International:

●     The majority members of organizations must be smallholders who do not depend on hired workers. Also, profits must be equally distributed among all producers as well as allowing members to have a voice and a vote in decision-making processes.

●     Workers have the right to join an independent union to negotiate working conditions and those working conditions are equitable for all workers.

●     Salaries must be higher than the regional average or the minimum wage.

●     Health and safety measures must be established.

●     Transparency and fair prices when trading their product.

Purchasing Fairtrade coffee helps farmers fight poverty, provides continued growth and allows them to plan for the future.

Although Fairtrade coffee and organic coffee are different, they compliment each other rather well. Small family farmers adopt organic growing techniques and small family farmers are the target of Fairtrade practices.

Nespresso Compatible Organic Coffee

Organic coffee isn’t hard to come by if you are shopping in the right place. Large organizations such as Nespresso tend to not offer an organic option in their product line, but don’t worry, this just means that you have to look elsewhere. There are an immeasurable amount of alternative brands of Nespresso compatible capsules, resulting in an overabundance of suitable Nespresso organic coffee to choose from.

One of the more favorable brands is Artizan Coffee. Artizan Coffee is the first company to receive both a USDA and Fairtrade certification for their line of Nespresso compatible capsules. They are strong advocates for supporting both the environment and the health and well-being of the farmers. If you want Nespresso organic capsules, Artizan coffee is a clear choice. Products such as their Sumatra: Kopepi Ketiara - Single Origin and Heavenly Project High-Altitude Blend have a rich flavor, smooth texture, and a bold taste, making it a must-have.

Flavored Coffee vs. Added Flavor: Which One Is Better?

For some, the smell of coffee in the morning is the only wake-up call they need, for others, it may be a little too strong to bare. Coffee is one of the most traded commodities in the World, but it’s not for everyone, therefore, some require a little flavor in their brew to make it more enjoyable. To do this, there are two options, you can either use flavored coffee beans or add flavor to your coffee. Though it may seem like flavoring coffee is a modern invention with companies like Starbucks being at the forefront of this genius, flavoring coffee has actually been around for centuries. In the 16th century, people in the Middle East used nuts and spices to flavor their coffee and eventually Venetian traders would bring that custom to Europe.

There are a wide variety of flavors on offer through either flavored beans or adding flavor, but which is the better option? This article will analyze their similarities and differences to see which one is better.

Flavored Coffee

Flavoring coffee beans is no simple feat. The process of flavoring beans begins in the lab where chemists use natural and synthetic ingredients to design the flavors. Some flavors can take up to 80 ingredients to achieve their desired taste. Once a flavor is developed, it must then be diluted and coated on the roasted beans via a spraying method, hence the shiny coating you see on the bean.

Coffee flavors are categorized into different notes by using the “Coffee Taster’s Flavor Wheel”. This wheel was developed through a collaboration between the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) and the World Coffee Research (WCR) and it shows how coffee flavors are split into nine different categories. These categories include; Green/Vegetative, Sour/Fermented. Fruity, Floral, Sweet, Nutty/Cocoa, Spices, Roasted and Other. See the chart below.


This wheel is a base guideline for flavor in coffee and is widely used among producers. However, the flavors derived from the categories aren’t definitive, there is much room for diversity and development. The flavor wheel can be used as a guide, but the importance lies on what coffee drinkers want.

When choosing a flavored coffee, one must be careful of the quality of the bean being used. Often at times, the reason for adding flavor to the coffee is to mask the quality of the bean. This can result in the flavoring being too strong. Flavor is meant to accent the coffee, not overwhelm it.

Added Flavor

Added flavor refers to changing the taste of a coffee after it has already been brewed, the beans used are not previously altered. Flavors usually come in the form of a syrup or powder that are simply mixed in with the coffee to produce a different taste. There are many different flavored syrups and powders that can be used in homes, stores, and cafes. According to Amazon, the most popular syrup flavors include; Vanilla (with and without sugar), Lavender, Brown Sugar Cinnamon, Caramel, and Raspberry, but there are many more flavors and tastes.

Like flavored beans, these syrups are created in a lab. Coffee syrups are a concentrated, viscous substance mainly comprising of sugar or sugar substitute with flavor. Sucrose, the main component of syrup is usually combined with glycerin or sorbitol to increase the solubility of any added ingredients used to achieve the desired flavor. When all ingredients have been added, the syrup can then be prepared by using one or more of four techniques; solution with heat, solution by agitation, addition of sucrose to a liquid medication and/or percolation. The technique of choice depends on the physical and chemical characteristics of the syrup being produced. The final product of the whole process will be a tasty flavored syrup.

Effects on Your Health

Flavored Coffee

When consuming flavored coffee beans, you could be exposing yourself to some harmful chemicals. It is common for coffee beans to contain propylene glycol which is a chemical used in the production of antifreeze and can have severe adverse effects on the body. This chemical is used as a binding agent so that the flavor sticks to the beans. The majority of solvents used in the production of flavored coffee have been known to be dangerous to the respiratory system, going as far as compelling vendors to wear protective equipment when handling the beans. However, these chemicals are only lethal due to prolonged exposure, whereas consuming it via one cup of coffee in the morning will have little effect on the body. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the chemicals are completely harmless.

Added Flavor

Flavored syrup, on the other hand, lacks the intense chemicals used in its production. Finding the ingredients of a flavored syrup is simple, as bottles will display their ingredients on the label. Primarily consisting of sugar, flavored syrups generally won’t have chemically induced effects on your body, but they are unhealthy. An average bottle of flavored syrup contains around a third of your daily intake of sugar per serving, that would be equivalent to eating 31 strawberries. In today's health driven society, individuals are finding it less and less acceptable to consume so much sugar in one serving and therefore stay away from these flavored syrups. Yet, this does not mean that the sugar-free options are any better. A study conducted by the University of Texas found that rather than promoting weight-loss, the use of artificial sweeteners actually promoted weight-gain. Moreover, artificial sweeteners have scientists divided on how safe they are. Some studies have shown these sweeteners are linked to causing brain tumors, bladder cancer and others, but this data is based on exposure to large doses.

What Alternatives Can Be Used?

If the information about what goes into both flavored beans and added flavors has you concerned, you shouldn’t worry, there are natural and healthy ways you can avoid using either. If you want to add a little flavor to your coffee, it’s not necessary to use the artificially produced options. Here are some alternative ways to flavor your coffee:

  • Organic Cane Sugar
    Organic cane sugar adds the perfect amount of sweetness to your coffee. Substituting regular coffee for this aids in the prevention and treatment of cold and flu symptoms and also prostate and breast cancer.

  • Raw Honey
    A little added honey to your coffee can provide a subtle sweetness that doesn’t overwhelm the flavor. Raw honey is natural, un-tampered with, full of antioxidants and very tasty.

  • Cinnamon
    Adding a pinch of cinnamon to your coffee will not only fill it with flavor but also give you a plethora of health benefits. Cinnamon is proven to promote weight-loss, reduce the risk of heart disease, fight infection and lower blood-sugar levels.

  • Vanilla Extract
    If you like adding vanilla flavoring to your coffee, use vanilla extract over an artificial substitute. Doing this can lower cholesterol and your appetite resulting in a potential for weight-loss and a healthier heart. Don’t use too much vanilla extract though, as the pure vanilla flavor may overwhelm the coffee.

  • Almond Milk
    This is a great, dairy-free alternative to using cow milk. Using unsweetened almond milk is healthy and adds a subtle nutty flavor, perfect for complementing any roast.

  • Ginger
    Using ginger may not be the most obvious choice when wanting to your flavor coffee, but it tastes great. Adding a few slices of ginger root or a small amount of ginger powder to your coffee will perfectly flavor your cup without overwhelming the taste of coffee. Research has that shown ginger is a natural digestive aid that can calm the stomach, reduce inflammation and the risk of prostate cancer.

Drinking Organic Coffee

As well as using a natural, organic substitute to artificial flavors and sweeteners, you could also switch to using organic coffee. Artizan Coffee products are a great choice as they are 100% organic as certified by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) meaning that they are devoid of chemicals and pesticides usually used when growing coffee beans. Their standards are met by less than 1% of the World’s coffee meaning they are a unique brand whose values are matched by none. By consuming their coffee such as the White Rhino - Signature Blend, you are not only saving the environment, but also your health. The pesticide and chemical residue from non-organic coffee has been proven to aid in causing cancer, hormone imbalances and irritation to skin and eyes. With organic coffee, you will be avoiding all of these harmful effects.

In future, when purchasing coffee, think about what goes into the production of what you will be drinking and the effects it can have. Then, think of the alternatives and how healthy they are in comparison, use that as your guideline to coffee consumption. Artizan Coffee places health and the environment first, so you can be confident knowing that their products are good.

Nespresso OriginalLine vs VertuoLine

Nespresso OriginalLine vs VertuoLine

Nespresso machines have been around since 1976, enabling consumers to enjoy barista quality coffee from the comfort of their own home. In 1999 they released the first of their OriginalLine machines which brewed great coffee using just a small capsule revolutionizing the home coffee industry. Since then a plethora of companies have developed their own Nespresso compatible capsules in an attempt to benefit from Nespresso’s framework. To tackle this rising competition, Nespresso developed a new line of machines called VertuoLine in 2014. The VertuoLine machines integrated new espresso brewing technology with a barcode scanner to ensure that only official Nespresso capsules are compatible, thereby eliminating the competition.

When deciding whether you should purchase a Nespresso OriginalLine or a VertuoLine, there are few details to consider. Although the elimination of third-party capsules can be a large aspect of the decision-making process, there are other factors that can contribute to making a choice between the two.


For many, cost is an important factor not only when purchasing a Nespresso machine, but in life. So it is understandable that the cost of owning and using a machine can determine which one you buy.

VertuoLine machines range from $199 for just the machine, or $249 for the bundle. OriginalLine machines vary from $149 - $500. Although you may be tempted to choose the VertuoLine since you receive a newer model of the machine for a potentially lower price, it’s important to factor in the price per capsule when considering how much money you want to spend. See the table below for a price comparison of the VertuoLine and OriginalLine machines:


These comparisons verify that although a VertuoLine machine may be cheaper initially, the cost of buying Nespresso brand capsules can increase the price significantly if you have a coffee every morning for the whole year.


The technology used to brew coffee varies for each machine. VertuoLine machines offer new centrifusion technology to make their coffee. Centrifusion is a term coined by Nespresso referring to the combination of centrifugal force and water infusion. When a capsule is placed in the machine, water is injected into the centre of the capsule which then spins at 7000 rpm. This rapid spinning method allows the water to fuse with the coffee dispensing it through 20 openings around the edge of the capsule and down into the cup. This creates a smooth, flavorful cup of coffee.

OriginalLine machines rely on a pump to brew coffee. The pump uses pressure to push water through the capsule extracting the coffee in the process. Some OriginalLine machines use up to 9 bars of pressure. The benefit of using a pressurized system is that the water is heated more thoroughly creating a hotter cup of coffee.

VertuoLine machines also allow the option to brew a full cup of coffee up to 17 oz, whereas OriginalLine machines do not.

Capsule Variety

Despite the many technological benefits of the VertuoLine machine, they have a big drawback… capsule variety. When purchasing a Nespresso, you are not just enjoying the machine, but the capsule experience also.

Nespresso brand capsules offer a limited number, so regardless of which machine you buy you will have the choice of 24 different capsules. However, non-Nespresso brand capsules raise that number remarkably. Freedom of choice can be a huge factor for those wanting to purchase a Nespresso machine and capsule variety definitely reflects that.

OriginalLine machines allow the use of third-party capsules whereas VertuoLine machines do not. some interpret this as a scheme by Nespresso to eliminate the competition and compel users to buy their capsules. Nespresso’s plan to do this is reminiscent of the Keurig 2.0 who implemented digital rights management (DRM) technology to their machines, denying any “unlicensed” pod access and rendering them incompatible.

Health and the Environment

Nespresso’s VertuoLine range offers little in the environmental awareness category. This line of capsule does not offer organic, Fair Trade or non-GMO options in their range whereas OriginalLine does.

The freedom of OriginalLine machines means that users can drink whatever coffee they please, being able to choose your favorite brands and flavors for your morning brew. For example, through using an OriginalLine machine, you can drink organic coffee. Artizan Coffee offers Nespresso compatible capsules that are 100% organic and USDA  and Fair Trade certified. They are the number one choice for organic coffee capsules as they were the first company to be USDA and Fair Trade certified for Nespresso compatible capsules. They have a wide variety of blends and tastes suitable for any taste bud, Check out their line of coffee here.

Making a choice on which line of machine is better can be difficult, but it all boils down to personal preference. If you are willing to spend a little more money to ensure a smoother or bigger coffee, then the VertuoLine machine is perfect for you. However, if you would like a cheaper, wider variety of capsules and a hotter brew, then the OriginalLine is your machine of choice. Overall, for an avid coffee drinker, both lines of Nespresso machines are great producers of coffee and are incomparable to other brands. Regardless of what you choose, you are guaranteed a great cup of coffee.

What Makes Specialty Coffee so Special

What is specialty coffee? In brief, all coffee is graded out of 100 in a process called “cupping” that is based on how many defects it has. According to the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA), specialty coffee is coffee that has been graded above 80. Much like a movie, its quality isn’t dependent on the acting you see on screen, but the writing, production, directing, and everything else that went into making the movie, all the way to the final product.

The term “specialty coffee” was first coined by Erna Knutsen in a speech to delegates of an international coffee conference. Erna had the idea that quality needed to be preserved from crop to cup. From botanical features, farming practices, processing methods, to even further down the supply chain (sale, roasting, brewing), every step contributes towards achieving the classification of “specialty coffee”.

How to Determine Specialty Coffee

Until it is graded, specialty coffee is simply a concept. There are numerous stages in the process that can ruin its potential to become special, therefore each stage is just as crucial as the last.

  1. Ground Level - Specialty coffee can only be grown in the most ideal conditions. If the seed is planted in the wrong spot, in the wrong soil, or even at the wrong altitude, then the coffee will lose its special certification.

  2. Ripeness - Once planted in the perfect spot, in the perfect soil, at the perfect attitude, you must then pick the bean at the perfect time. It is common among coffee growers to agree that the most critical aspect of achieving the best bean is to harvest at the optimal time.

  3. Delivery Time - Ensuring fast delivery to the mill is vital. If delivery is quick, the freshness and potential of the coffee can be preserved. If delivery takes too long, the coffee can be spoiled and all the hard work and effort in its growth will go to waste.

  4. Processing Stage - Carefully managing the coffee is important at the processing stage. Once it is washed and the skin removed, the bean must then be dried. If the bean is dried unevenly, insufficiently, too slowly, too quickly, or even gets wet again, it will reduce its chances of being special.

  5. Transformation Stage - With the transformation from green bean to final roasted coffee, success depends on the roaster. They must successfully identify the potential of the coffee and roast it so to maximize flavor. Any mistake made by the individual who packaged the bean, transported it, roasted it, or ground it means the coffee is no longer special.

If the whole process is completed effectively and efficiently and the SCA give it a rating above 80, then the coffee is labeled as “specialty coffee”.

What’s Better Than Specialty Coffee? Organic Specialty Coffee

Organic coffee has many benefits both to the environment and to your health, but go one step further and you get organic specialty coffee. When you choose organic, you know you are drinking coffee that was produced in an environmentally sustainable way. Specialty coffee considers factors all the way until it reaches your cup. Combine both together and you have created the ultimate cup of coffee. Here are some ways in which organic and specialty coffee can benefit the environment and your health:

Removal of Harmful Pesticides
With the rise in demand for coffee, farmers are growing coffee away from the protection of shade and have begun growing in direct sunlight at a higher density. In turn, this results in natural pesticides such as birds and insects being unable to protect the fruit. Organic coffee growers choose the traditional shade-growing method, where the fruit is more tolerant and can be protected by nature. This means no toxic chemicals harming the fruit, the environment around it, or the farmers.

Rescuing the Forests

To keep up with the high demand for coffee, space is required. To make space, trees are sacrificed. Deforestation is a major issue in Central America where trees have been clear-cut to create space for sun plantations. Drinking organic coffee means that there is less requirement for sun plantations, thus, fewer trees will be cut down.

Supporting Farmers

Corporations are the prime culprits for producing sun-grown coffee. Small, local farmers, however, are much less likely to encourage this method, choosing shade-grown coffee over the alternative. Drinking organic or specialty coffee will help you support the smaller farmers and promote their methods.


Using a Nespresso machine requires capsules, these capsules produce waste. Non-organic capsules are not biodegradable and cannot be recycled. Organic capsules though, are, meaning the coffee you’re drinking is not harming the environment.

Ideal Conditions

To achieve specialty status, coffee must be grown in perfect conditions and picked at the right time. Altitude plays an important part in this, as it contributes to the moisture content of the bean. This moisture content must be between 9-13%, which severely reduces the chance of mold and mycotoxin development (exposure can cause cancer, kidney toxicity, and immune suppression).

Chemical Exposure

When choosing coffee for your Nespresso machine it is important to know what type of capsules you are using. Non-organic plastic capsules can leak into the coffee when exposed to hot water, such as when you use your Nespresso machine. Although this transferral of plastic is minimal per capsule, the average American consumes 3 cups of coffee per day. Chemicals in plastics such as BPA, BPF, BPS, and phthalates have been known to contribute towards weight gain, fertility problems, and hormone imbalances. Brands that use organic coffee capsules use biodegradable materials that are harmless to your health and well-being.

Where to Find Organic Specialty Coffee

Whether you want coffee beans, ground coffee, coffee capsules, or even instant coffee, there is an exponential number of brands and companies to choose from. However, when it comes to organic and specialty coffee, that number decreases considerably. One company that showcases both organic and specialty options is Artizan Coffee. Being the first company to be USDA and FairTrade certified for their line of Nespresso compatible capsules, Artizan excel in providing superior organic specialty coffee.

Artizan Coffee put sustainability at the forefront and focus on having a positive impact on the environment and your health. Varieties such as the White Rhino Signature Blend, or the Cuba Mia Signature Blend provide you with amazing taste and peace of mind knowing that you can enjoy coffee while saving the planet.

Steam Wand, Aeroccino or Milk Frother

Accessories for your Nespresso machine come in abundance. From capsule dispensers and drawers to flavor add-ons that enhance your coffee experience, all these could give you the tools of an ultimate coffee connoisseur. If you’re a fan of milk-based coffees such as lattes, cappuccinos or flat whites, then you’d benefit from purchasing a milk frother - giving you barista quality coffee.

When looking for a milk frother for your Nespresso machine, you have three options: the Steam Wand, the Aeroccino or the Milk Frother. All three items serve their own purpose and contribute to making great coffee taste even better. The main difference between them is accessibility. The Steam Wand and Milk Frother is only available to purchase with a Nespresso machine, whereas the Aeroccino is available as a standalone accessory without the need for a compatible model. It's important to know the varying features of these machines, their cost, and how difficult it is to clean each of these accessories before you can decide which to purchase.

Steam Wand


The Steam Wand is a great accessory that comes attached to certain Nespresso models. Just like a professional espresso machine, the Steam Wand will froth your milk, giving you a great cup of coffee. Using the Steam Wand is hands-on, meaning that frothing your milk requires a little practice to get right.

Simply hold the provided stainless steel milk jug under the Steam Wand and turn on. While the Steam Wand is on, hold it and gently swirl for your desired amount of time depending on the level of froth you want. When complete, pour the milk into a cup and place the cup under the coffee outlet and begin brewing.

Availability and Cost

The disadvantage of the Steam Wand is its availability. To acquire the Steam Wand, you must purchase a Nespresso machine with the Steam Wand attached.

Compatible machines include:

Cost is an important aspect when looking to obtain a Steam Wand. Unfortunately, both machines with the available Steam Wand are rather expensive compared to others. Prices for each machine vary from $400 to $500.


Cleaning your Steam Wand is a simple process. Remove the tip of the nozzle, separate the O-ring from the tip and rinse both thoroughly, then dry with a clean cloth. Regular maintenance of the Steam Wand will ensure no milk residue is left behind and is devoid of any bacteria.



The Aeroccino is a great standalone accessory for Nespresso machines. Using the Aeroccino allows you to produce lattes, cappuccinos and flat whites with ease. Simply pour your milk into the jug to your desired level and choose a frothing option. The amount of milk you add depends on the level of froth you would like, for example, less milk results in more froth, more milk means less froth. While the Steam Wand is hands-on, the Aeroccino is more of a “set and forget” type of accessory, you add milk, press a button, and forget about it until it's finished.

There are multiple versions of the Aeroccino accessory with the latest one being the Aeroccino 4. This version offers four different options; cold milk froth, hot milk, warm and airy milk foam, and warm and dense milk foam. Each option can be selected to produce a different brew. Choosing the Aeroccino will allow you to use any type of milk you like, whether it is whole, almond, soy or any other kind of milk. It is important to understand that using different kinds of milk will result in different levels of froth.

Availability and Cost

The Aeroccino is much more available than the other two options. This standalone add-on doesn’t require you to have a compatible machine for it to work. Depending on the version you choose, prices can range from $70 - $120.

Cleaning the Aeroccino is very easy. First, turn off the machine and remove it from the stand. pull the seal from the lid and detach the whisk. Rinse them under warm water and dry with a clean cloth. With a non-abrasive sponge, wipe the inside of the Aeroccino clean until it is free of any residue, then dry with a clean cloth. Note that the jug is not dishwasher safe and should not be submerged in water.

Milk Frother


The Milk Frother is also an accessory that is included with some Nespresso machines. It is a fully automatic frothing tool that activates when you begin to brew a coffee. With its one-button operation, the Milk Frother is quick and easy to use. The Milk Frother has little customization, so for those that are more experienced and know their way around making coffee, this may not suit them as the machine does all the work.

Availability and Cost

Similar to the Steam Wand, the Milk Frother is only available with the purchase of a compatible Nespresso machine. If you’d like to own a Milk Frother, you can do so by acquiring one of these machines:

The cost of these machines varies from $379 to $599. Before committing to buying one of these rather expensive machines, It is important to research what you want, whether it is solely the milk frother or the whole Nespresso machine.


It is recommended that the Milk Frother is disassembled and cleaned after every use. This will ensure that there is no leftover milk residue inside the pipes. First, turn the dial to the clean position and place an empty cup underneath the milk outlet. Water and steam will begin to empty into the cup, cleaning the outlet in the process. When complete, turn the dial to the normal position and power down the machine. Remove the milk container, rinse thoroughly and wipe with a clean, dry cloth.

Milk Frother Cleaning Solution

When cleaning your frother of choice, it is important you use the right product. The Cafetto Organic Green Milk Frother Cleaner by Artizan Coffee is an Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) listed liquid cleaner that is designed to remove milk residue from your frother. Usable on any milk frother, just mix the solution with water and run the cleaner through the pipes via the normal method. This will result in clean, bacteria-free pipes, so your coffee can taste great every time.

Choosing the best frothing option isn’t easy. Each accessory has advantages and disadvantages, but it comes down to personal preference. For a more customized coffee experience, the Steam Wand is the better choice. For an easy frothing method that does not require a compatible machine, the Aeroccino is perfect. Or for a one button function that requires little effort and maintenance, the Milk Frother is the piece for you. Using any of these products fused with one of Artizan Coffee’s signature organic capsules will produce the ultimate beverage.

How to Descale your Nespresso Essenza Mini


The key to great tasting coffee is ensuring a clean and healthy machine. Your Nespresso Essenza Mini is no different. Your machine has likely helped you through the good times and the bad, but it’s time you showed it some TLC.

If you’ve ever noticed that your coffee tastes slightly off? Then your Nespresso Essenza Mini may need descaling. Descaling is an important aspect of maintenance that only takes around 20 minutes out of your day and we can show you how to do it.

What is Descaling?

Despite the simple nature of the Essenza mini, it is still susceptible to damage if not descaled. Every time a coffee is made, the hot water flowing through the machine leaves small deposits of a mineral called calcium carbonate that builds up over time. Usually, areas that use hard water are required to descale their machine more often due to the higher concentration of minerals. Descaling your Essenza Mini will remove these deposits resulting in a healthier machine and better tasting coffee.

How Often Should I Descale My Nespresso Essenza Mini?

It is recommended that one should descale their Nespresso Essenza Mini every three months or after around 300 uses, but we don’t expect anyone to keep track of how many pods they use. As a minimum, descaling twice a year will still help maintain your machine.

What Will I Need?

The basics required to descale your Essenza Mini is fresh water and a container to collect the water once it’s deposited. The most important factor when descaling is the solution you mix into the water. The Urnex Dezcal Activated Scale Remover kit is cheap, non-toxic, biodegradable, safe and works on most machines. For only $3 this will get the job done. Also, you will need fresh water to fill your water tank and a container to catch the water.

Steps To Descaling My Nespresso Essenza Mini

The steps required to descale a Nespresso Essenza Mini are quite simple. Follow this process to ensure that your Essenza Mini is clean and ready to make delicious coffee.

Preparing my Essenza Mini

  • First of all, you need to prepare your machine. Start by turning on the machine allowing it to heat up.

  • Lift the top and check that there are no capsules inserted in the machine, if there are, remove them.

  • Then remove the empty capsule container and drain the drip tray.

  • Place a cup or container under the dispenser to catch the liquid that flows through. It is advised that the cup or container be able to hold at least 1 litre of liquid.

  • Once ready, fill the water tank with 500ml water and mix in the descaling solution.

Starting the descaling process

  • This step will take around 10 minutes.

  • To start the process, you need to activate descaling mode on your machine.

  • Wait for the two buttons on the front of the machine to stop flashing.

  • Then simultaneously press both buttons for three seconds so the lights start flashing quickly indicating that the process has begun.

  • Press the Lungo button to begin the descaling process.

  • The water tank will drain, flow through the machine, and then dispense into the cup or container you have placed underneath.

  • Once drained, repeat the process with the used solution.

Rinsing my Nespresso machine

  • After the second cycle is complete, empty the water tank and rinse it out making sure it is devoid of any solution.

  • Refill the water tank with fresh water and restart the process for a third and final time, emptying the tank completely.

  • Dispose of the water.

Exiting descaling mode

  • Finally, press the two front buttons simultaneously for three seconds to deactivate the descaling mode.

Now, your Nespresso Essenza Mini has been descaled and is ready to make amazing coffees again.

If you’re more of a visual learner, check out this video on how to descale a Nespresso Essenza Mini:


Essenza Mini Features

The Nespresso Essenza Mini is the most basic machine in the range due to its small, compact size. However, this does not mean the quality of coffee it produces is sacrificed. This machine still produces 19 bars of pressure, perfect for extracting maximum flavor from the capsules. Its small size does mean that there is less room in the capsule container resulting in the need to empty more frequently. Finally, its small footprint allows those with little space to enjoy great coffee. For those that are new to Nespresso machines, the Essenza Mini is a great start.


Why Go Organic  

Using the Cafetto Restorer Descaler kit will not only save your machine from serious damage, it will also save the environment from being harmed. This organic kit is non-toxic, odorless and biodegradable meaning that it isn’t going to take a thousand years decompose. Artizan Coffee products are big advocates of taking care of the environment as all their products are 100% organic. They are also the first company in the world to receive the USDA organic certification for their line of Nespresso compatible capsules. By using their products you can drink exceptional organic coffee and save the planet at the same time.

How to Descale your Nespresso Pixie

Nespresso Pixie

Your Nespresso Pixie is probably an important aspect of your life. Making a great cup of coffee in those times when you need it the most is what your Pixie does best. Therefore, keeping it clean and healthy is important.

If your Nespresso Pixie tastes off, it may need descaling. Descaling is an important aspect of maintenance that only takes around 20 minutes out of your day and we can show you how to do it.

What is Descaling?

When you use your Pixie, hot water flows through the machine depositing a mineral called calcium carbonate. After every use, this calcium carbonate builds up, especially in places with a higher concentration of hard water. The descaling process flushes out the calcium carbonate resulting in a cleaner, healthier machine.

How Often Should I Descale My Nespresso Pixie?

It is recommended that one should descale their Nespresso Pixie every three months or after around 300 uses, but we don’t expect anyone to keep track of how much coffee they drink. As a minimum, descaling once a year will still help maintain your machine.

What Will I Need?

To descale your Nespresso Pixie, you will need a descaling solution kit. A recommended kit to use is the Urnex Dezcal Activated Scale Remover. This kit is cheap, non-toxic, biodegradable, safe and works on most machines. With this, fresh water and a container to catch the deposited solution, you can successfully descale your Nespresso Pixie.

Steps To Descaling My Nespresso Pixie

The steps required to descale a Nespresso Pixie are quite simple. Follow this process to ensure your Pixie is clean and ready to make delicious coffee.

Preparing my Pixie

  • First of all, you need to prepare your machine. Start by turning it on allowing it to heat up.

  • Lift the bar and check that there are no capsules inserted in the machine, if there are, remove them.

  • Then remove the empty capsule container and drain the drip tray.

  • Place a cup or container under the dispenser to catch the liquid that flows through. It is advised that the cup or container be able to hold at least 1 litre of liquid.

  • Once ready, fill the water tank with 500ml water and mix in the descaling solution.

Starting the descaling process

  • This step will take around 10 minutes.

  • To start the process, you need to activate descaling mode on your machine.

  • Wait for the two buttons on top of the machine to stop flashing.

  • Then simultaneously press both buttons for three seconds so the lights start flashing quickly indicating that the process has begun.

  • Press the Lungo button to begin the descaling process.

  • The water tank will drain, flow through the machine, and then dispense into the cup or container you have placed underneath.

  • Once drained, repeat the process with the used solution.

Rinsing my Nespresso machine

  • After the process is completed, empty the water tank and rinse it out making sure it is devoid of any solution.

  • Refill the water tank with fresh water and restart the cycle for a third and final time, emptying the tank completely.

  • Dispose of the water.

Exiting descaling mode

  • Finally, press the two front buttons simultaneously for three seconds to deactivate the descaling mode.

Now, your Nespresso Pixie has been descaled and can return to producing exceptional coffee.

If you’re more of a visual learner, check out this video on how to descale a Nespresso Pixie:


Nespresso Pixie Features

The Nespresso Pixie is a great machine for those that live in an apartment and don't have space for a huge coffee maker. This machines compact size doesn't hinder its performance though, as it still makes great coffee and its minimal button scheme still allows you to change the volume of coffee you’d prefer. Moreover, this machine preheats water in just 30 seconds and turns off after 9 minutes of inactivity to save energy.

As an add-on, you can buy an Aeroccino milk frother to guarantee an extremely smooth brew. In order to maintain an efficient and great tasting Aeroccino, it should be cleaned completely after every use including rinsing and washing and drying.


Why Go Organic

Using the Cafetto Restorer Descaleris great for the environment as it is non-toxic and biodegradable resulting in less of an impact on the environment. Most products from Artizan Coffee are 100% organic as they are the first company in the world to receive the USDA organic certification for their line of Nespresso compatible capsules. By using these products you can continue drinking amazing coffee and save the environment at the same time.